Articles in journals and books
García Reyes P. and H. Wiig, H. (2020) “Gender, household structure, and land restitution process in Colombia”, Journal of Rural Studies (forthcoming)
Wiig, H. and A. Tesli (2020) “Hvem eier vinden? Hvordan gi regional plan innflytelse over vindkraftkonsesjoner (Who owns the wind? How to make regional plans influential over wind power concession” in K. B. Stokke and K. Broch Hauge (eds) Integrert kystsoneforvaltning i Norge (integrated coast zone management in Norway), Gyldendal: Oslo (forthcoming)
Wiig, H. and P. García Reyes (2020) “Bread or justice - Land restitution and investments in Colombian agriculture”, Land Use Policy, Vol 91, pp. 1-8
García Reyes P and H. Wiig H (2019) “Politicas sin género – De intenciones a realidades en la política de restitución de tierras en Colombia (politics without gender – From intentions to realities in the politics of land restitution in Colombia)” in Gutiérrez F., Peña R., Parada M. (eds.) La tierra prometida - Balance de la política de restitución de tierras en Colombia (The promised land – The balance of the land restitution politics in Colombia). Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, pp. 285-308
García-Godos, J. and H. Wiig (2018) “Ideals and Realities of Restitution: The Colombian Land Restitution program”, Journal of Human Rights Practice, Vol. 10. (1), pp. 40-57
M. Sliwa and H. Wiig (2016) “Should I stay or should I go: The role of Colombian free urban housing projects in IDP return to the countryside”, Habitat International, Vol. 56, pp. 11 ̶ 19
García-Godos, J. and H. Wiig (2015) “Mining, Development and Environmental Sustainability in Peru” in A. Hansen and U. Wethal (eds) Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability: Theories, Strategies, Local Realities, Routledge: London, pp. 177 ̶ 190
E. Berge, A. Munthali, D. Kambewa and H. Wiig (2014) “Lineage and Land Reforms in Malawi: Do Matrilineal and Patrilineal Landholding Systems Represent a Problem for Land Reforms in Malawi?", Land Use Policy, Vol. 41, pp. 61-69
Wiig, H. (2014) "Husholdets overhode – Mannen, kvinnen eller staten? (The household head – Man, Woman or State?)", Samfunnsøkonomen, Nr. 3, pp. 38-40
Wiig, H. (2013) “Joint titling in rural Peru: Impact on women’s participation in household decision-making”, World Development, Vol. 52, pp. 104-119
Wiig, H and H. Øien (2013) “Would small be more beautiful in the South African land reform?” in Holden, Otsuka and Deininger (eds.): Land Tenure Reforms in Asia and Africa: Assessing Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 80-104
Glavin, G., K. Stokke and H. Wiig (2012) “The impact of women’s mobilizations: Civil Society Organisations and the implementation of land titling in Peru”, Forum for Development Studies, pp. 1-24
Wiig, H, D. Orge Fuentes and R. Bråten (2011) "Land ownership and women’s empowerment – Combining survey and experiments in Peruvian rural households", Background paper for the World Bank (WB), World Development Report 2012 on Gender, internet publication
Grepperud, S. and H. Wiig (alphabetical order) (2003) “Maize Trade Liberalization vs. Fertilizer Subsidies in Tanzanian Agriculture” , in Frank Columbus (ed.): Politics and Economics of Africa, Vol. 4, Nova Science, New York, pp. 31-56
Wiig, H. J. Aune, S. Glomsrød and V. Iversen (2001) “Structural Adjustment and Soil Degradation in Tanzania: A CGE-model Approach with Endogenous Soil Degradation” Agricultural Economics, Vol. 24, pp. 263-287
Wiig, H., J. Aune, S. Glomsrød and V. Iversen (1998) “Structural adjustment and land degradation: An integrated CGE-analysis for Tanzania” in Dwyer, Ganslosser and O’Connor (eds.): Life Sciences Dimensions - Ecological Economics and Sustainable Use, Filander Verlag: Fürth, pp. 89-112
K. Alfsen, T. Bye and S. Glomsrød and H. Wiig (1997) “Theory and Applications. Soil degradation and economic development in Ghana”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 119-143
Aune, J., S. Glomsrød and H. Wiig (1997) “Økonomisk politikk og miljøvirkninger i utviklingsland (Economic policy and the environment in developing countries)” in Brekke, Lone and Rødseth (eds.): Økonomi og Økologi - Verktøy for en bærekraftig politikk (Economy and Ecology - Tools for a sustainable policy), ad Notam Gyldendal: Oslo, pp. 207-225
Reports, working papers and printed conference papers
Wiig, H., A. Tesli, S. Stokstad and G. S. Hanssen (2019) "Intensjoner og praksis for regionale planer for vindkraft ̶ Hvilken rolle kan fylkeskommunene ha i vindkraftforvaltningen? (Intentions and practice for regional plans on wind power – The role of the county municipality in the administration of wind power)", NIBR rapport 2019:14, OsloMet University: Oslo, pp. 99
García Reyes, P. and H. Wiig (2017) "Ungendered policies - Gender and land restitution process in Colombia", WB Land and Poverty Conference 2017 preceding, WB: Washington, D.C (internet publication), pp. 25
Wiig, H. and P. García Reyes (2017) "On bread and justice - Land restitution and investments in Colombian agriculture", WB Land and Poverty Conference 2017 preceding, WB: Washington, D.C (internet publication), pp. 33
Wiig, H. (2016) "Lecciones del proceso de restitución de tierras para el Acuerdo de Paz en Colombia (Lessons from the land restitution process for the peace accord in Colombia)", NIBR Working Paper 2016:101, HiOA: Oslo, pp. 21 (identical content as in unpublished internal NOREF report to delegates in the Colombian peace negotiation teams)
García-Godos, J. and H. Wiig (2015) "The Colombian land restitution program: Process, results and challenges", WB Land and Poverty Conference 2015 preceding, WB: Washington, D.C (internet publication), pp. 32
Wiig, H. and García-Godos, J. (2015) "Land restitution and challenges of implementation: preliminary findings”, The Colombian land restitution program: Process, results and challenges, WB Land and Poverty Conference 2015 preceding, WB: Washington, D.C (internet publication), pp. 30
Wiig, H. (2015) "Women in the Colombian land restitution process – Quantifying effects in an RDS household survey", NIBR report 2015:15. NIBR: Oslo, pp. 70
Aasen, B., S. Hellevik and H. Wiig (2015) "Norwegian Funding to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality 2002-2011 – Mapping study", NORAD Evaluation Department report, NORAD: Oslo, pp. 114
Wiig, H., E. Perez and R. Ortiz (2015) "Mid-term review of CATIE MAP Norway", NIBR report 2015:25, NIBR:Oslo, pp. 73
García-Godos, J. and H. Wiig (2014) "The Colombian Land Restitution Programme – Process, results and challenges, with special emphasis on women", NIBR-report 2014:14, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 54
Wiig, H. and J. Holm-Hansen (2014) "Unintended effects in evaluation of Norwegian Aid – A desk study", NORAD Evaluation Department Report 2/2014, NORAD: Oslo., pp. 68
Wiig, H. (2013) "Integration of natural resource markets as a means to peace-building in Latin America", NOREF report, September, pp. 10
Balarezo, J. and H. Wiig (2012) "The mighty few vs. the silent majority - Barriers to resource extraction for poverty reduction in Peru", NIBR Working Paper 105, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 53
Wiig, H. (2012) "Do joint land titles induce Peruvian women to take part in decision-making?", NIBR Working Paper 2012:104, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 35
Wiig, H. (2012) "Land and women empowerment – Methodology and summary report of the Peru Land Gender household survey 2010", NIBR Working Paper 2012:102, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 63
Orge Fuentes, D. and H. Wiig (2009) "Closing the gender land gap – The effects of land-titling for women in Peru", NIBR Working Paper 2009:120, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 73
Wiig, H. (2009) "Compensation or restitution of land rights in the Colombian peacemaking process – Economic efficiency vs. society building?", NIBR Working Paper 2009:119, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 27
Wiig, H. (2008) "Promoting respect for the collective rights of the Q’eqchi’ population – An evaluation of AEDPI in El Estor", Guatemala, NIBR Working paper 2008:102, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 39
Blanco, M., M. Jørgensen, H. Wiig and E. Perez, Edwin (alphabetic order) (2008) "Evaluación del proyecto CATIE Pasturas Degradas en America Central (Evaluation of CATIE degraded pastures in Central America project)", NIBR rapport 2008:30, NIBR: Oslo, pp. 146
Wiig, H., B. Aasen, I. Wang Andersen, R. Maktabi, N. Nsemiwe and D. Fuentes (2007) "Women's legal rights to land property in Norway – Relevant lessons for the African titling process", in Onsrud, H. and E. Busch (eds.): Norwegian Land Tools Relevant to Africa, Statens Kartverk: Hønefoss, pp. 77-91
Braathen, E., H. Wiig, H. Lundberg and M. Haug (2007) "Development cooperation through Norwegian NGOs in South America", NORAD Study 2/2007, NORAD: Oslo, pp. 60
Borchgrevink, A., S. Acevedo, E. Braathen, A. Haslie, J. Holm-Hansen, F. Lopez, S. Norato and M. Solstad and H. Wiig (2007) "Evaluation of the development cooperation through Norwegian NGOs in Guatemala", NORAD Evaluation report 5, NORAD: Oslo, pp. 64
García-Godos, J. and H. Wiig (2006) "An analysis of the political and socio-economic situation in Latin America", Norwegian MFA, Background document for the working group on Latin America, June
Wiig, H. (2005) "Traditional cooperation and modernization in Peruvian communities, Ph.D. dissertation with three papers: 'Too much cooperation – Work exchange in Peruvian communities', 'Social capital in war-torn Peruvian communities' and 'Catching up in distant trade – The effects of trust and telephone for Peruvian peasants'", D. of Economics, UiO, Norway. 9. February, pp. 131
Wiig, H. (2005) "Social capital in war-torn Peruvian communities", New Issues in Refugee Research series, Working Paper No. 116, UNHCR: Geneva, pp. 29
Wiig, H. (2003) "The Productivity of Social Capital - An Econometrical Analysis of 49 Peruvian Highland Communities", D. of Economics, UiO. Memorandum No. 27/2003, UiO: Oslo, pp. 23
Wiig, H.(2002) "Virkninger for norsk fiskerinæring av en ny forhandlingsrunde i WTO – Simulerte reduksjoner i handelsrestricksjoner i den internasjonale likevektsmodellen GTAP (Effects on Norwegian fisheries of a new WTO agreement – Simulations in the international equilibrium model GTAP)", NUPI Notat 638, NUPI: Oslo, pp. 42
Melchior, A., K. Telle and H. Wiig (2000) "Globalisation and inequality – The development of income distribution and living standard 1960-1998", Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Studies on foreign policy issues, Report 6a:2000, Norwegian MFA: Oslo, pp. 46
Grepperud, S., H. Wiig and F.R. Aune (1999) "Maize trade liberalization vs. fertilizer subsidy in Tanzania: A CGE Model Analysis with Endogenous Soil Fertility", Statistics Norway Discussion paper No. 249, SSB: Oslo, pp. 35
Wiig, H. (1999) "Olje-Ola: Råkapitalist eller verdensfrelser? (Petroleum-Ola: Capitalist or world saviour?)", Mennesker og rettigheter, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 166-168
Wiig, H and L.A. Grünfeld (1999) "Euro - Felles Valuta og Identitet (Euro- common currency and identity)", Hvor Hender Det? No. 18/19, NUPI: Oslo
Wiig, H. (1999) "How Much Globalisation? - Reassessing the Growth of International Trade and Investment in the OECD", NUPI Report No. 241, NUPI: Oslo, pp. 21
K. Ibenholt and H. Wiig (1998) "Massebalansen i den makroøkonomiske modellen MSG-EE (Assessing future industrial waste generation as a residual factor - integrating material flow balances in a CGE model for Norway)", SSB Report 98/10, SSB: Oslo, pp. 51
Aune, J., S. Glomsrød, V. Iversen and H. Wiig (alphabetical order) (1997) "Structural Adjustment and Soil Degradation in Tanzania: A CGE-model Approach with Endogenous Soil Productivity", SSB Discussion Paper No. 189, SSB: Oslo, pp. 36
Bruvoll, S. and H. Wiig (alphabetical order) (1996) "Konsekvenser av ulike håndteringsmåter for avfall (Consequences of Different Waste Management Strategies)", Statistics Norway Notater 96/31, SSB: Oslo, pp. 30
Wiig, H. (1994) "Mellom-menneskelig påvirkning i konsumet - sosial endring og forbruksmønstere i Botswana (Interdependent Consumption in Botswana - Consumption Patterns and Cultural Change)", Ms Economics thesis, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), UiO: Oslo, pp. 61
Other academic publications
Berge, E., D. Kambewa, S. Khaila, A. Munthali and H. Wiig (2008) “Interview Data Collected in Malawi in 2007”, Malawian land tenure and social capital research project, Technical Documentation Report No 1/ 2008, Oslo: NIBR
Berge, E., D. Kambewa, S. Khaila, A. Munthali and H. Wiig (2008) “Trust Games played in Malawi in 2007”, Malawian land tenure and social capital research project, Technical Documentation Report No 2/ 2008, Oslo: NIBR
Berge, E., D. Kambewa, S. Khaila, A. Munthali and H. Wiig (2008) “Public Goods Games played in Malawi in 2007”, Malawian land tenure and social capital research project, Technical Documentation Report No 3/ 2008, Oslo: NIBR
Newspaper up-eds and debate
Wiig, H. (2019) "Bevar regnskogen, så kjøper vi biodrivstoff (preserve rainforests, and we will buy biofuels)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 2. September
Wiig, H. (2018) "Norsk fredsarbeid i Colombia er en suksess (Norwegian peacebuilding in Colombia is a success)", Aftenposten, response, 8. October
Wiig, H. (2018) "Nei Trine, seks biodiesel suksesspunkter (No Trine, six biodiesel points of sucesss)", response, Aftenposten, 19. April
Wiig, H. (2017) "Putt en god palme på tanken (put a good palm on the tank)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 16. March
Wiig, H and T. Haugåsen (2016) "Colombia ser framover (Colombia looks ahead)", response, Dagens Næringsliv, 22. December
Wiig, H and T. Haugåsen (2016) "Colombia kan skaffe oss biodiesel (Colombia can supply biodiesel to Norway)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 13. December
Wiig, H. (2016) "Fra grunnlov til politisk vingling (From constitution to political stagger)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 30. November
Wiig, H. (2016) "Ingen uskyld i Colombia (No innocence in Colombia)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 8. October
Wiig, H. (2016) "Mer politikk enn fred? (More politics than peace?)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 29. September
Wiig, H. and T. Haugåsen (2016) "Miljøvennlig palmeolje i mengder (Lots of environmental friendly palm oil)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 17. March
Wiig, H., and J. Holm-Hansen (2014) "Bivirkninger i bistandens blindsone (Unintended effects in the blind spot of development aid)", up-ed, Dagbladet, 12. June
Kasahara, Y., H. Wiig and E. Braathen, (2013) "Brasiliansk Oljebrems (Brazilian oil slowdown)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 22. March
Wiig, H. (2010) "Omfordelingens dilemma (The dilemma of redistribution)", up-ed, Dagbladet, 19. May
Bull, B. and H. Wiig, (2010) "Udokumenterte beskyldninger (Undocumented accusations)", up-ed, Dagbladet, 6. May
Wiig, H. (2009) "Norske penger i ressurskamp (Norwegian money in fight for resources)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 26. June
Wiig, H., (2008) "Bistand mot mineralrikdom (Development aid against mineral riches)", up-ed, Dagens Næringsliv, 17. March
Wiig, H. (1999) "Oljefondet kan gi både profitt og utvikling (the Petroleum fund might entail both profits and development)", up-ed, Aftenposten, 13. April
Media appearances, analyst, commentator, debates and interviews
2019 "Loffere og landstrykere – På nattbordet (Tramps – on the bedside table)", interview, Dagens Næringsliv, 4. September
2018 "Norsk selskap med storstilt palmeoljeproduksjon i Colombia", interview, NRK - nettside, 4. May
2016 "Analyse av utdelingsseremoni for fredspris Santos (Analysis of Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Santos)", interview, Aftenposten, 10. December
2016 "Nobel Peace Prize to Santos ceremony", live commentator, TV2 – TV2 Morgen, 10. December
2016 "Dette kan sikre folkets støtte til fredsavtale i Colombia (This might increase support for the peace agreement in Colombia", interviewed, Aftenposten, 8. October
2016 "Fredsprosessen i Colombia ̶ Bakgrunn (Peace process in Colombia ̶ Background)", HiOA podcast, interview, 14. December
2016 "Juan Manuel Santos: Mannen som vil huskes (Juan Manuel Santos: The man that will be remembered)", interview, Ukeavisen Ledelse, 9. October
2016 "Derfor fikk FARC ikke fredsprisen (Why the FARC did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize)", interview, Dagbladet, 8. October
2016 "Fredsprisen kom ett år for tidlig (Nobel Peace Prize came one year too soon)", Adresseavisa, interview, 8. October
2016 "Uenighet om prisens effekt på fredsprosessen (Disagreement on the effect of the Nobel prize on the peace process)", interview, Bistandsaktuelt, 8. October
2016 "Fredspris utdeling til Santos (Nobel Peace Prize to Santos)", radio debate, NRK- Dagsnytt 18, 7. October
2016 "Koka-bønder i Colombia og fredspris til Santos (Coca farmers in Colombia and Nobel Peace Prize for Santos)", radio interview, NRK - Her og nå, 7. October
2016 "Mener prisen kommer for tidlig (Believe the prize come too soon)", interview, Khrono, 7. October
2016 "Valuta- og børsfall etter nei-flertall (Currency and stock market declines after no-majority)", interview, Finansavisen, 4. October
2016 "Colombia sa nei til fred i folkeavstemning (Colombia voted no to peace)", radio debattant, NRK – Dagsnytt 18, 3. October
2016 "Valgsjokk i Colombia: Nei til fredsavtale (Chock of elections in Colombia. No to peace agreement)", interview, Verdens Gang, 3. October
2016 "Fredsavtale i Colombia (Peace agreement in Colombia)", radio interview, Radio Nova, 30. September
2015 "Norge støtter de mest konfliktsøkende (Norway supports the conflict seekers)", interview, Bistandsaktuelt No. 4, 9. Juni
2014 "Refser bistandsrapportering (rebuke reporting on development aid)", interview, Dagbladet, 27. Juni
2011 "Venezuela henter gullet (Venezuela retrieving the gold)", radio interview, NRK - Dagsnytt 18
2009 "Bagua episode i Peru (Bagua episode in Peru)", radio debate, NRK - Dagsnytt 18
2006 "Latin-Amerika vil også snart blomstre (Latin-America will also flourish soon)", interview, Stavanger Aftenblad, 15. April
© Henrik Wiig -